Welcome: rawlisticpetfood


Create a holistic lifestyle—for your pet!

We’re passionate about helping pets live their best life. Creating a holistic, balanced lifestyle for your pet is so important that it’s the main reason we launched Rawlistic.


A holistic lifestyle is all about making choices that support our health, whether that’s physical health, emotional health, or spiritual health. Below, we’ll cover what a holistic lifestyle means for your pet, what your pet needs to truly thrive, and how we help.


Body, mind and soul

The choices we make about our physical health have a huge impact on our mental health and ability to enjoy life, which is why we believe that diet is the first stepping stone to a rich, balanced life. But a holistic lifestyle is more than just diet: it’s also the environment we live in, the people we’re surrounded by, and what opportunities we take.

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What you can do for your pet

Good food and the right supplements are the start of a healthy life, but there are lots of ways you can build on that. Here are some of the most important things you can do to improve your pet’s quality of life:


Make sure they get enough exercise


PetMD recommends that dogs get at least 20-30 minutes of exercise a day, while cats should have around 4-10 minute play sessions a day. Individual needs will vary depending on your pets’ breed, age, and overall health, but aiming for the above guidelines will help keep your pet fit and happy.


For dogs, remember that intellectually stimulating play is an important addition to walks, particularly if you have a smarter breed. Cats also appreciate toys like food puzzles and hideouts that let them stalk their prey.


Make your home pet-friendly


Your home is your castle, but it’s also your cat or dog’s habitat! When your space is designed to meet their needs, they’ll get into less trouble and feel less stressed when you’re away. Chewing on cords and furniture, constant vocalizing, and overgrooming can all result from an environment that’s not stimulating enough.


Leaving plenty of toys out is a great idea for both dogs and cats. For smaller dogs, stairs to the bed or couch can help them feel more like a member of the family. Cats need high perches and lots of spaces to hide to help them feel safe.

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Make regular vet appointments


Many people only take their cat or dog to the vet when they’re sick, but taking them for annual checkups can help prevent problems before they get too serious. Many conditions like diabetes and kidney disease are detectable long before pets show visible signs of illness.


Regular checkups are especially important as your pet ages and health problems become more likely. Make sure to take them to the vet at least once a year, and give them lots of treats when it’s over!

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Here’s how we help

We’ve carefully developed our three product lines to go beyond basic nutritional requirements to help manage digestion and chronic health issues too. Instead of just feeding your pet, we’ve designed our products to give them a little boost of preventative care as well:


● Our freeze dried products pack all the nutrients of a raw food diet into a dry food that’s as easy as kibble. If you don’t have time for a raw food diet, it’s the easiest way to feed your pets the next best thing.

● Wet canned food is a great way to help your pets stay hydrated, which is why we launched a wet canned diet. Pets with conditions like UTIs and kidney disease need more water, so we made sure to create a wet food diet to complement our freeze dried products.

 Our supplements have ingredients like cranberry extract for UTIs, as well as others like chamomile flower that help with digestion and relaxation. These can help mitigate the effects of dry diets and keep them healthy!


Don’t forget your pets!

Your pets can’t find spirituality, but you can keep their spirits up! In addition to all the above, lots of love and attention will give them a full, balanced life. So keep up with the scritches!

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