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Rawlistic Supplement - Cranberry Extract



We’ve created a line of supplements to lower the risk of UTIs for pets that don’t take in enough water. Here, we’ll go through each of the three ingredients in our supplement to explain how it can help your pet:


Cranberry extract: 

Just like in humans, cranberry extract helps prevent UTIs. Our concentrate contains over 90% antioxidant compounds and organic acids that are much more effective than raw fruit. Cranberry extract contains PAC, or proanthocyanidins, that prevent bacteria from lining the digestive tract—a much safer alternative to antibiotics. Additionally, our extract contains only fruit (no pulp, seeds or peels), to give your pet the most benefit from the smallest dose.


Yeast extract: 

Yeast extract can help lower the risk of intestinal pathogens like e. coli, and also helps your pets get more nutrients out of the food they eat. That means pets digest their food more easily and reduces the risk of stomach trouble.


Valerian root: 

Valerian root contains polyphenols and essential oils which help relax urinary tract muscles and promote urination. Because it relaxes these muscles, pets with small kidney stones will have an easier time passing them. As a bonus, valerian root has also been proven to help with stress-related behavioural issues in pets. 


All these ingredients work together by improving digestion rate and relaxing pets, enabling them to better absorb the cranberry extract that prevents UTIs.



We’ve also made it easy to give to your pet—just mix a little into their food, and your pet’s diet will have these added benefits! To be on the safe side, we always recommend checking with your vet if your pet is pregnant or has underlying health conditions.